this section is provided to help you to go to any part of Teddy and Ethan's story mentioned in the text of
and view it as it appears in
a boy suddenly appears in a street in Las Vegas near a plush Hotel/Casino oddly named the 'Club Jaguar'. He has no identity, no money, no memory - a security guard called Frank, belonging to the 'Club', takes him in, and lets the hotel Doctor look him over - and there the story begins....
the lost boy, who has spent the night in Room 33 in the Club on the Doctors orders, meets the mysterious ‘Boss’ and is given a name
‘Jaguar Jim’
A young man called Ethan come to Jim’s room,
and together they travel by limo to a restaurant in Vegas, to dine with the ‘Boss’
who tells them about his days as an archaeologist in Mexico
Jim goes to live in a luxurious Penthouse in Las Vegas - where Jim and Ethan swim in the open air pool on the roof
Jim is sent for treatment to Dr .Brandt, a renowned psychiatrist
in order to cure him of his almost complete amnesia
Jim starts to come to terms with his new environment
by being taken shopping and for meals in restaurants
after a further session with Dr Brandt, Jim and Ethan
are taken to a local gym, and swimming pool by Zac
Jim and Ethan are invited to the luxurious villa owned by the ‘Boss’
situated near Los Angeles, where Jim meets Don Picaro, Josh and Glaux the owl
Josh and Glaux join Ethan and in in the lavish penthouse in Vegas
owned by the ‘Boss’
Don Picaro (Faunus) helps Ethan to recover his memories of his distant past,
while the ‘Boss’ interviews Jim and Josh. Later Jim Ethan and Josh go shopping.
Jim has along session with Faunus, in which much is revealed about Jim’s role
in another time and another place, where he was known as Marcus
a boy called Brody comes to see Zac about a job as a wrestler at the ‘California Combat Club’
(owned by the ‘Boss’), while the boys go for a meal and discuss the memories of the past that they have begun to discover
Brody moves into an apartment below the Penthouse, while the boys of the ‘Penthouse Gang’ stage a dinner-party (with the help of Clare), for the ‘Boss’ and Faunus
The ‘Penthouse Gang’ go to the ‘California Combat Club’ to watch Brody’s wrestling audition – Jim disappears, and one of the wrestlers implicated in the disappearance is shot dead by Kurt
Zac starts researching Dr Brandt on the internet– the suspect for the disappearance of Jim – and discovers his Nazi past and involvement with the US Government
Faunus and Brody go to see Dr. Brand, and Faunus uses his special powers to find out more about Brandt, and discovers that Jim is being held in Area 51, Nevada – it's the first appearance of the pink Edsel
Faunus drives out to Area 51, with false number plates, identity papers, etc - finds Brandt, and gives him fake orders to release Jim. Faunus then returns Jim to the ‘Penthouse Gang’
Jim has more memory problems after Brandt’s ‘treatment’, and Faunus ‘reboots’ Jim’s brain.
The ‘Boss’ then decides to take Jim on a trip, along with Max (a cute bellhop from the ‘Club Jaguar’) to the US South-West.
the ‘Boss’, Jim and Max drive down Interstate 40 – Jim learns about the Navajo and their life and myths – and they stay in a hotel in Flagstaff and swim in the hotel pool
Jim and Max get very friendly – the ‘Boss’ buys the boys some Western clothes – and they visit the Lowell observatory, where the ‘Boss’ buys Jim a very large, expensive astronomical telescope
The ‘Boss’ takes the boys to Taliesin West, where they are shot at by Brandt’s agents. They stay in a Hotel designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and swim in the pool used by Marilyn Monroe
the ‘Boss’ takes the boys to a Mormon temple, and tells them all about Joseph Smith,
and meanwhile, at the ‘Villa Jaguar’, Zac teaches Ethan and Josh how to shoot and use firearms
with more stories about the Mormons and the dangers of ‘elementals, the ‘Boss’, with Jim and Max, then heads for Tucson, Arizona in an electrical storm
at the 'Arizona Inn', Tucson they run into an old man – who Faunus reveals to Jim as being ‘Novius’,
trips to Tucson follow, while back in Vegas Brody gets Tripp as his new 'boy-friend'
at the California Combat Club Ethan learns about Brody and Trip while they are looking at leaflets advertising Body's first fight. Jim, Faunus and Max take the telescope in to desert, and are accosted by an abandoned ‘alien’ who Faunus transforms in to a cute young ‘cousin’ for Jim
on his first day, Glen (one time ‘alien’) - reveals that the ‘Boss’ first name is ‘Alex’, much to Jim and Max amusement - discussion the follow as to where Glen shall live - and Novius and JIm talk about the past.
Chapter XXVII - The Final Frontier
The road trip recommences with a drive up Interstate 10 to Las Cruces, and from there they head to Alamogordo. And in Vegas, Brody (as Dillon) appears in his first professional fight - while Brandt and Maria are spotted by Glaux at Brody's first fight at the 'Combat Club'.
Faunus and Ethan take Brandt and Maria to the Club Jaguar where Faunus, with Teddy's help neutralizes Brand (transforming him into 'Sigi')
Chapter XXVIII - Brandt - Maria - and Men in Black
back in Vegas - Brandt's boyhood teddy-bear was called 'Wilhelm' (after the Kaiser - hence the logo)
Teddy takes the part of Wilhelm as Brandt is 'youthened' into 'Sigi', and Maria gets a 'memory wipe', and a job with Franklin in Mexico. The 'boys' visit the final frontier with the 'Boss'- and bump into some mysterious 'men in black'.
Chapter XXIX - Brody v Grant - Wrestling
this chapter consists of a full and very explicit description of Brody's first fight - fighting under the 'ring name' of 'Dillon' - which takes place at the 'California Combat Club in Las Vegas Nevada.
Chapter XXX - Lessons from Novius
Back in Los Angeles, California, Novius and Josh are living quietly, and in some style, at the magnificent Neo-Mayan Villa Jaguar, where Novius is coming to terms with his new life in the 'alternative America'. As an inveterate scholar, Novius busies himself on his 'new fangled' laptop, researcher the history of the Americas, while Josh is visited by Faunus, with instructions to gently guide Novius' studies.
For some reason the 'Boss' is determined to visit Roswell, although the sudden appearance of the 'men in black' at Alamogordo has made this somewhat risky, if Faunus' theory about these 'strangers' is correct. Also Roswell is not really blessed with fine restaurants and hotels - so the stay may be a little uncomfortable...but the trip goes on.....
Chapter XXXII - Trouble with the Aliens
Unknown to the 'Boss' and the 'boys', the 'Men in Black' have been keeping watch, and are aware that much information has been given out about the 'Roswell Incident'. Also, and not surprisingly, the Aliens - who have already had one of their number 'abducted', are far from happy - and in their own 'confused' way are planning their revenge.
Chapter XXXIII - Deep in the Heart of Texas
After returning to the hotel in Roswell, Grant is partially re-programmed by Faunus.
All goes well, and the 'Boss', who is more that satisfied with the 'new Grant', having completed his researches in Roswell, decides to continue the road-trip by taking the straight highway to Amarillo in Texas, as they travel eastwards. On arriving in Amarillo, Grant has repeated dreams about a strange 'butte' which he believes is in either Texas, or a nearby state. It is eventually identified as the 'Devils Tower', and as the dream might be some form of communications from the 'alien leader', the 'Boss' decides to visit the site, which is in Wyoming

Chapter XXXIV - The Devils Tower
Now we are still in Amarillo , Texas- and the 'Boss' has business matters to attend to, and lots of work via the Internet - so the question for Jim, Ethan and Glen is - 'what do you do in Amarillo ?' - But Glen is plagued by his dreams - day-dreams and dreams at night - and all about pueblos, and that strange 'being', and the strange 'mountain - so Faunus and the 'Boss' need to know more about the problem.....

Chapter XXXV - Return of the 'Aliens'
The 'Boss' decided to take the 'bull by the horns' - to use a well worn 'Western' cliché - and travel to Wyoming, and try to discover the true meaning of Glen's strange dreams and visions.......and we find out more about Teddy....

Chapter XXXVI - Sundance to the Butte
The Cadillac and the Edsel eventually arrive at Castle Rock, where the following day arrangements are made to hire a helicopter at Sundance. After a brief rest the 'Boss', Faunus and the 'boys', and of course Teddy, drive into Sundance, and preparations are made for their daylight reconnoiter of the Devils Tower.

Chapter XXXVII - Meeting on the Summit - Part I
(first part of the meeting on the summit)
And so the day arrives for the 'run-through', in daylight, on f the Devils Tower. Their pilot Bob flew them to the summit - and all went well until a
would-be assassin struck - but fortunately everyone survived. Glen was finally reprogrammed, and a further reconnaissance flight - this time in the dank - was undertaken - only to be interrupted by the appearance of a saucer.....

Chapter XXXVIII - Meeting on the Summit - Part II
(second part of the meeting on the summit)
And so the saucer lands on the summit of the Devils Tower - a door opens, and Faunus, and the 'boys' and Teddy enter the UFO - and there they have the long awaited second meeting with the 'aliens' - and there is much to talk about....

Chapter XXXIX - A Rest in Denver
Faunus, the 'boys' and Teddy return to Sundance, and make their report to the 'Boss'.
The 'Boss' then reveals his latest plans - a trip to Denver - a 'real' city with 5 star hotels - a reward for all the gang's efforts - and lots more info about Native Americans on the way - and then, later, it's off to Kansas - to spot some talent on the advice of Kurt...

Chapter XL - The Kimpton Hotel
After a brief problem with the Government Agents - there is a long awaited reunion of the 'boys' and Teddy with Josh, Novius and, of course Glaux - followed by excellent dining, lots of shopping, and some sight-seeing - followed by a review of previous events and future plans.
The road trip recommences with a drive up Interstate 10 to Las Cruces, and from there they head to Alamogordo. And in Vegas, Brody (as Dillon) appears in his first professional fight - while Brandt and Maria are spotted by Glaux at Brody's first fight at the 'Combat Club'.
Faunus and Ethan take Brandt and Maria to the Club Jaguar where Faunus, with Teddy's help neutralizes Brand (transforming him into 'Sigi')
back in Vegas - Brandt's boyhood teddy-bear was called 'Wilhelm' (after the Kaiser - hence the logo)
Teddy takes the part of Wilhelm as Brandt is 'youthened' into 'Sigi', and Maria gets a 'memory wipe', and a job with Franklin in Mexico. The 'boys' visit the final frontier with the 'Boss'- and bump into some mysterious 'men in black'.
Chapter XXIX - Brody v Grant - Wrestling
this chapter consists of a full and very explicit description of Brody's first fight - fighting under the 'ring name' of 'Dillon' - which takes place at the 'California Combat Club in Las Vegas Nevada.
Chapter XXX - Lessons from Novius
Back in Los Angeles, California, Novius and Josh are living quietly, and in some style, at the magnificent Neo-Mayan Villa Jaguar, where Novius is coming to terms with his new life in the 'alternative America'. As an inveterate scholar, Novius busies himself on his 'new fangled' laptop, researcher the history of the Americas, while Josh is visited by Faunus, with instructions to gently guide Novius' studies.
For some reason the 'Boss' is determined to visit Roswell, although the sudden appearance of the 'men in black' at Alamogordo has made this somewhat risky, if Faunus' theory about these 'strangers' is correct. Also Roswell is not really blessed with fine restaurants and hotels - so the stay may be a little uncomfortable...but the trip goes on.....
Chapter XXXII - Trouble with the Aliens
Unknown to the 'Boss' and the 'boys', the 'Men in Black' have been keeping watch, and are aware that much information has been given out about the 'Roswell Incident'. Also, and not surprisingly, the Aliens - who have already had one of their number 'abducted', are far from happy - and in their own 'confused' way are planning their revenge.
Chapter XXXIII - Deep in the Heart of Texas
After returning to the hotel in Roswell, Grant is partially re-programmed by Faunus.
All goes well, and the 'Boss', who is more that satisfied with the 'new Grant', having completed his researches in Roswell, decides to continue the road-trip by taking the straight highway to Amarillo in Texas, as they travel eastwards. On arriving in Amarillo, Grant has repeated dreams about a strange 'butte' which he believes is in either Texas, or a nearby state. It is eventually identified as the 'Devils Tower', and as the dream might be some form of communications from the 'alien leader', the 'Boss' decides to visit the site, which is in Wyoming

Chapter XXXIV - The Devils Tower
Now we are still in Amarillo , Texas- and the 'Boss' has business matters to attend to, and lots of work via the Internet - so the question for Jim, Ethan and Glen is - 'what do you do in Amarillo ?' - But Glen is plagued by his dreams - day-dreams and dreams at night - and all about pueblos, and that strange 'being', and the strange 'mountain - so Faunus and the 'Boss' need to know more about the problem.....

Chapter XXXV - Return of the 'Aliens'
The 'Boss' decided to take the 'bull by the horns' - to use a well worn 'Western' cliché - and travel to Wyoming, and try to discover the true meaning of Glen's strange dreams and visions.......and we find out more about Teddy....

Chapter XXXVI - Sundance to the Butte
The Cadillac and the Edsel eventually arrive at Castle Rock, where the following day arrangements are made to hire a helicopter at Sundance. After a brief rest the 'Boss', Faunus and the 'boys', and of course Teddy, drive into Sundance, and preparations are made for their daylight reconnoiter of the Devils Tower.

Chapter XXXVII - Meeting on the Summit - Part I
(first part of the meeting on the summit)
And so the day arrives for the 'run-through', in daylight, on f the Devils Tower. Their pilot Bob flew them to the summit - and all went well until a
would-be assassin struck - but fortunately everyone survived. Glen was finally reprogrammed, and a further reconnaissance flight - this time in the dank - was undertaken - only to be interrupted by the appearance of a saucer.....

Chapter XXXVIII - Meeting on the Summit - Part II
(second part of the meeting on the summit)
And so the saucer lands on the summit of the Devils Tower - a door opens, and Faunus, and the 'boys' and Teddy enter the UFO - and there they have the long awaited second meeting with the 'aliens' - and there is much to talk about....

Chapter XXXIX - A Rest in Denver
Faunus, the 'boys' and Teddy return to Sundance, and make their report to the 'Boss'.
The 'Boss' then reveals his latest plans - a trip to Denver - a 'real' city with 5 star hotels - a reward for all the gang's efforts - and lots more info about Native Americans on the way - and then, later, it's off to Kansas - to spot some talent on the advice of Kurt...

Chapter XL - The Kimpton Hotel
After a brief problem with the Government Agents - there is a long awaited reunion of the 'boys' and Teddy with Josh, Novius and, of course Glaux - followed by excellent dining, lots of shopping, and some sight-seeing - followed by a review of previous events and future plans.
And so they move on - fast approaching the end of their 'road trip' before their eventual return to Las Vegas - and why Kansas ? - Well Kurt got a message that there's a rumor of an up and coming young guy on the High School Wrestling scene that might be ideal for the 'Combat Club' - but not knowing the name of the High School or the town - how are they to find this handsome farm-boy ?
The 'Boss' and Faunus 'finalize' matters with Jonathan and Mrs. Kent - and then, while the new member of the group prepares for what will be the final part of the journey, and also meets Teddy and Glaux, the 'gang' enjoys a short break in Wichita, before they move on to Tennessee
Brief autobiographical information about some of the characters in the story

a detailed explanation of the probable nature of Don Piccaro -
more properly know as Faunus

a brief description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America
the ‘Boss’ was an archaeologist, studying the Maya, when he first came to the ‘alternative America’ of 'Club Jaguar'

a second description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America - with special reference to the 'Star God'

a second description of the history, culture and beliefs of the ancient Maya of Mexico and South America - with special reference to the 'Star God'

‘Club Jaguar’ can only be understood in terms of the relationship between ‘Dreams and Reality’
a subject discussed in this article

Club Jaguar’ can only be understood in terms of the relationship between ‘Time and Illusion’
a subject discussed in this article

many of the characters in ‘Club Jaguar’ suffer for memory disruption and memory loss, mainly as a result of having been ‘transported’ across time and space to and 'alternative reality'

a brief explanation of the widely accepted theories of Hugh Everett III, which suggests that there are an infinite number of alternative ‘worlds’ or universes – a theory which forms part of the plot of ‘Club Jaguar’

a further explanation of the widely accepted theories of Hugh Everett III, which suggests that there are an infinite number of alternative ‘worlds’ or universes – a theory which forms part of the plot of ‘Club Jaguar’

a brief study of recent theories relating to the nature of time

a brief survey of the evidence for the development of devices to travel in time and space possibly devised from the 1920 until the end of the Second World War.

a brief study of the ancient concept of the ‘Vril’ originally made popular in the novel, ‘The Coming Race’, and later adopted by some groups in Germany and Austria from the 1920 until the end of the Second World War.

a brief explanation of Dr Brandt’s methods in ‘Club Jaguar’, as they relate to the theories of Dr. Sigmund Freud

a brief description of the ‘alternative America’ to which the character from ‘The Story of Gracchus’ are transported by Faunus

a brief survey of the art, architecture and industrial design now known as Art Deco
This is a story that begins in quite an ordinary way - but as the plot develops some of the characters are revealed to be more than they seem, and as time passes, the plot, as they say, 'thickens', and various strange, and some would consider unsavory elements and themes emerge.
So what is this ?
Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Erotic Fiction
Or something Unique ?
no more - and no less
Regardless - be warned, this tale turns out, eventually, to be a decidedly 'adult' story.
Please note that this blog is intended for adults (over 18 years), and contains images and text featuring violence, nudity, explicit adult sexuality and strong language.
Please do not view this chapter if you find such features objectionable....